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Patrick Opran is quite possibly one of the best human beings to train under. I know what you’re thinking but no, this isn’t a paid advertisement. Pat is the type of individual that makes sure the people he works with are put first in every aspect of the job. He is a man that will go out of his way to make sure you succeed no matter what. Leadership and accountability come naturally to him. When I worked under him, Pat would always go above and beyond to make sure that I grew in every aspect of the word. I learned a lot more in my time working with him than I did within the entirety of my dance career.
Through Pat’s trainings I built my endurance, stage presence, creativity, and most importantly professionalism. These are some very necessary traits if you plan on taking dance seriously. If you train with Patrick, you’re in luck because now you are in the best hands capable of helping you grow and succeed in this sometimes-tricky place, we call the “dance world”. Pat is still my go-to guy to this day so be prepared to create a bond that will not break!

Learning under Patrick has been an amazing experience! I’ve been able to apply the dance technique I’ve developed to other classes or pieces I’ve been a part of. Assisting him has also allowed me to focus on choreography retention as I often learn the combos during class while is also helping other people understand the movement. It’s been a great learning and growth process for me.

Working with Patrick was one of my most rewarding experiences in both mind and body. His infectious energy and words of encouragement in the studio follow me around after class in my day-to-day in the best possible way: be confident, challenge yourself, speak up and be heard, give your all, try again. Wherever I am, I strive to replicate the positive, vibrant atmosphere that I value so much in his classes. Not only did I see a tremendous improvement in my dancing while assisting him, but I became more confident in myself and in my ability to teach others. Patrick is a fantastic teacher and mentor, and whether you’re taking his class for the first time or assisting your hundredth, you’ll be sure to leave with a huge smile on your face.

Working with Patrick resurrected my passion for dance. His energy from the second you enter the room is contagious. Patrick’s classes are a creative oasis that allows everyone to feel included, supported, and confident regardless of their dance background. His classes are always packed to capacity, yet he notices details about every single dancer and lets them know that they’re seen. Patrick is one of the best choreographers I’ve ever worked with. His combinations experiment with different genres of hip-hop and are challenging, insanely fun, athletic, and creative. You can’t help but smile and give your all during them. I had the privilege of assistant teaching alongside him and gained not only dance skills, but also leadership and mentoring skills. He met me with an open mind and heart and showed me the perfect balance of professionalism and friendship. Patrick takes his job seriously; he is incredibly organized and timely and never misses a single detail. While working with him, he’s given me the opportunity to choreograph, teach, and even be in professional music videos. The opportunities and growth I’ve seen already are only the beginning for him. Patrick is truly one of the most inspiring people I’ve ever met and I can’t wait to see all the lives he’ll continue to change.

Working with Patrick has been nothing short of amazing. The initial apprehensiveness of working with him quickly disintegrated as he openheartedly welcomed me not only as a dancer, but also as a person.
As a mentor, Patrick taught me a variety of skills in and outside of the dance room. He helped me refine my artistry and advance my strengths, refusing to accept my weaknesses; these lessons allowed me to be flexible when working with others, knowing to never compromise myself nor my talent. Working with Patrick not only gave me the confidence to teach, but it also allowed me to receive a job as an instructor at a local studio. Patrick’s ability to foster growth in mentees and students is one of his several admirable traits.
The shear dedication and 200% effort he puts into his art uniquely defines him as a dancer. When working with Patrick, I was forced to acknowledge my comfort zone… then dance straight out of it. He summons unconventional and diverse ideas from all his mentees and gives us room to progress our identities as dancers. It’s refreshing to work with someone like Patrick, because you can never really predict his line of action… in the best way possible. A lot of his work is a push, which inevitably enables a novel perspective to dancing.
If given the opportunity to work with Patrick, take it. His teaching does not discriminate ages or backgrounds, and is advantageous to all.
As a mentor, Patrick taught me a variety of skills in and outside of the dance room. He helped me refine my artistry and advance my strengths, refusing to accept my weaknesses; these lessons allowed me to be flexible when working with others, knowing to never compromise myself nor my talent. Working with Patrick not only gave me the confidence to teach, but it also allowed me to receive a job as an instructor at a local studio. Patrick’s ability to foster growth in mentees and students is one of his several admirable traits.
The shear dedication and 200% effort he puts into his art uniquely defines him as a dancer. When working with Patrick, I was forced to acknowledge my comfort zone… then dance straight out of it. He summons unconventional and diverse ideas from all his mentees and gives us room to progress our identities as dancers. It’s refreshing to work with someone like Patrick, because you can never really predict his line of action… in the best way possible. A lot of his work is a push, which inevitably enables a novel perspective to dancing.
If given the opportunity to work with Patrick, take it. His teaching does not discriminate ages or backgrounds, and is advantageous to all.

Working with Pat is always an absolute blast because his energetic and comforting energy allows for those around him to be free of insecurities and JUST DANCE. Luckily for me, I was able to be taken under his wing during my first few years of undergrad, and I couldn’t be more thankful. I was able to really mature my leadership skills while expanding my range of dancing styles/history with Pat; I went from barely feeling confident enough to lead a quick ab-workout, to later being the President of a dance organization on campus. New heights of personal growth were reached, and the self-confidence I have developed has yet to run out.
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